Hydrology of semi-arid watersheds in Brazil

Led by:  PD Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dietrich
Team:  Jörg Dietrich; Elahe Fallah Mehdipour
Year:  2020
Date:  13-12-21
Funding:  Basic research, DAAD (student exchange)
Duration:  2020-2024

The semi-arid North-East of Brazil is characterized by long dry periods and extreme droughts, which cause water shortage. A large number of reservoirs has been constructed in that area, which hold back a considerable amount of runoff. Hydrology can only be described if the smaller (uncontrolled) and larger (controlled) reservoirs are included. Model studies in the Alto Jaguaribe basin have been conducted with the SWAT model running on daily time-step. The collaboration started in 2015 and is focused on the implementation of complex reservoir systems and the simulation of transmission losses in semi-arid watersheds.

In collaboration with:

  • Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development, University of International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Redenção, Ceará, Brazil (Prof. Dr. A. C. Costa)