

  • Angelakis, A.N.; Baba, A.; Valipour, M.; Dietrich, J.; Fallah-Mehdipour, E.; Krasilnikoff, J.; Bilgic, E.; Passchier, C.; Tzanakakis, V.A.; Kumar, R.; et al. (2024): Water Dams: From Ancient to Present Times and into the Future.Water 2024 (16), 1889
    DOI: 10.3390/w16131889
  • Zoë Erna Bovermann; Elahe Fallah-Medipour; José Luis Arumí; Jörg Dietrich (2024): The Chilean Laja Lake: multi-objective analysis of conflicting water demands and the added value of optimization strategiesAQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society jws2024165
    DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2024.165
  • Valipour, M., Bateni, S.M., Dietrich, J., Heggy, E., Almazroui, M. (2023): Evaluating the NASA MERRA-2 climate reanalysis and ESA CCI satellite remote sensing soil moisture over the contiguous United StatesInternational Journal of Remote Sensing 44(15), pp. 4639-4665
  • Angelakis, A.N., Valipour, M., Dietrich, J., Voudouris, K., Kumar, R., Salgot, M., Mahmoudian, S.A., Rontogianni, A., Tsoutsos, T. (2022): Sustainable and Regenerative Development of Water Mills as an Example of Agricultural Technologies for Small FarmsWater 14(10), 1621
    DOI: 10.3390/w14101621
  • Fallah Mehdipour, E., Dietrich, J. (2022): Discussion of "Optimal Characterization of Unknown Multispecies Reactive Contamination Sources in an Aquifer" by Rabindra Neupane and Bithin DattaJournal of Hydrologic Engineering 27(12)
    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002228
  • Kamali, B., Jahanbakhshi, F., Dogaru, D., Dietrich, J., Nendel, C., AghaKouchak, A. (2022): Probabilistic modeling of crop-yield loss risk under drought: a spatial showcase for sub-Saharan AfricaEnvironmental Research Letters 17(2), 024028
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac4ec1
  • Nguyen, T.V., Dietrich, J., Dang, T.D., Tran, D.A., Doan, B.V., Sarrazin, F.J., Abbaspour, K., Srinivasan, R. (2022): An interactive graphical interface tool for parameter calibration, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis, and visualization for the Soil and Water Assessment ToolEnvironmental Modelling & Software 156, 105497
    DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105497
  • Valipour, M., Dietrich, J. (2022): Developing ensemble mean models of satellite remote sensing, climate reanalysis, and land surface modelsTheoretical and Applied Climatology
    DOI: 10.1007/s00704-022-04185-3
  • Kasargodu Anebagilu, P., Dietrich, J., Stuardo L. P., Morales, B., Winter, E. K., Arumi, J. L. (2021): Application of the theory of planned behavior with agent-based modeling for sustainable management of vegetative filter stripsJournal of Environmental Management, 284 (112014) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112014
  • Rabelo, U.P., Dietrich, J., Costa, A.C., Simshäuser, M.N., Scholz, F.E., Nguyen, V.T., Lima Neto, I.E. (2021): Representing a dense network of ponds and reservoirs in a semi-distributed dryland catchment modelJournal of Hydrology, 2021, 603, 127103
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2021): Simulation of Irrigation Demand and Control in Catchments – A Review of Methods and Case StudiesWater Resources Research, 2021, 57(7), e2020WR029263
  • Nguyen, V.T., Dietrich, J., Uniyal, B. (2020): Modeling interbasin groundwater flow in karst areas: Model development, application, and calibration strategyEnvironmental Modelling and Software 124, Article number 104606 Weitere Informationen
  • Dietrich, J., Simshäuser, M., Cunha Costa, A., Nguyen, T. (2019): Modelling a semi-arid catchment with a large number of horizontally connected reservoirs in BrazilSWAT International Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 17th-19th, 2019 (poster presentation)
  • Dietrich, Jörg (2019): Wasserwirtschaft unter globalem Wandel - Herausforderungen und Lösungswege für die Simulation von FlussgebietenMitteilungen des Institutes für Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Heft 108 | Datei |
    ISSN: 0343-8090
  • Goodarzi, L., Banihabib, M. E., Roozbahani, A., and Dietrich, J. (2019): Bayesian network model for flood forecasting based on atmospheric ensemble forecastsNat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2513–2524,, 2019 Weitere Informationen
  • Grote, U., Dietrich, J., Ibendorf, J., Werthmann, C., Gabbert, W., Liefner, I., Nolte, K., Onken, H., Schlurmann, T., Schmieder, U., Tuitjer, L., Weichgrebe, D. (2019): Migration und räumliche Transformation: Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Erkenntnisse, interdisziplinäre PerspektivenDiskussionspapier Nr. 1 / 2019, TRUST Schriftenreihe, Leibniz Universität Hannover, ISSN (Online) 2629-5709 Weitere Informationen
  • Kasargodu Anebagilu, P., Morales, B., Dietrich, J., Arumi, J.L. (2019): Evaluation of farmers’ response to implementing buffer strips to control soil erosion using agent-based modeling in Chile30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland, 23rd-26th June, 2019 (oral presentation)
  • Taha, R., Dietrich, J., Dehnhardt, A., Hirschfeld, J. (2019): Scaling Effects in Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Aggregation in Integrated River Basin ManagementWater 11(2), 355 Weitere Informationen
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2019): Regional Irrigation Water Demand: Addressing Uncertainties for Better PredictionSWAT International Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 17th-19th, 2019 (oral presentation)
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2019): Modifying Automatic Irrigation in SWAT for Plant Water Stress schedulingAgricultural Water Management 223, 105714
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J., Vu, N.Q., Jha, M.K., Arumí, J.L. (2019): Simulation of regional irrigation requirement with SWAT in different agro-climatic zones driven by observed climate and two reanalysis datasetsScience of the Total Environment 649, 846-865 Weitere Informationen
  • Vu, N.Q., Dietrich, J., Houben,G. (2019): Application of calibrated reagent-free spectrophotometry in determining nitrate in river waterInternational Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality: Agriculture and the Environment, Aarhus, Denmark, 3rd-6th June, 2019 (poster presentation)
  • Bormann, H.; de Brito, M.M.; Charchousi, D.; Chatzistratis, D.; David, A.; Grosser, P.F.; Kebschull, J.; Konis, A.; Koutalakis, P.; Korali, A.; Krauzig, N.; Meier, J.; Meliadou, V.; Meinhardt, M.; Munnelly, K.; Stephan, C.; de Vos, L.F.; Dietrich, J.; Tzoraki, O. (2018): Impact of Hydrological Modellers’ Decisions and Attitude on the Performance of a Calibrated Conceptual Catchment Model: Results from a ‘Modelling Contest’Hydrology 2018, 5(4), 64 Weitere Informationen
  • Dietrich, J., Taha, R. (2018): Spatial Scaling in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Rank Aggregation in Integrated River Basin ManagementAnnual meeting of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, German section, Hannover, 5.-7.9.2018 (poster presentation)
  • Dietrich, J., Uniyal, B., Themer, C. (2018): Evaluating expert based irrigation recommendations by the simulation of irrigation water demand in a humid investigation area in Northern Germany with SWAPGeophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-16196-1, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (poster presentation) Weitere Informationen
  • Nguyen, V.T., Dietrich, J. (2018): Modification of the SWAT model to simulate regional groundwater flow using a multicell aquiferHydrological Processes 32(7), 939-953 Weitere Informationen
  • Nguyen, V.T., Dietrich, J. (2018): Hydrological modeling in non-conservative catchments in karst-dominated regions with the modified Soil and Water Assessment ToolGeophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-6885-1, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (oral presentation) Weitere Informationen
  • Nguyen, V.T., Dietrich, J., Uniyal, B., Tran, D.A. (2018): Verification and Correction of the Hydrologic Routing in the Soil and Water Assessment ToolWater 2018, 10(10), 1419 Weitere Informationen
  • Nguyen, V.T., Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2018): Flood Routing in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool: A Review2018 SWAT Conference, Brussels, Sept. 17.-21., 2018
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2018): Simulating Regional PlantWater Availability and Irrigation Demand using SWAT in Different Agro-Climatic ZonesGeophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-7860-1, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (poster presentation) Weitere Informationen
  • Uniyal, B., Dietrich, J. (2018): Improving the Auto-irrigation Scheduling of SWAT for Effective Agricultural Water Management2018 SWAT Conference, Brussels, Sept. 17.-21., 2018
  • B. Uniyal, J. Dietrich, C. Vasilakos, O. Tzoraki (2017): Evaluation of SWAT simulated soil moisture at catchment scale by field measurements and Landsat derived indicesAgricultural Water Management, Volume 193, November 2017, Pages 55-70
  • Ojwang, R.O.; Dietrich, J.; Kasargodu Anebagilu, P.; Beyer, M.; Rottensteiner, F. (2017): Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Mombasa: Scenario Development with Image Classification and Water Resources SimulationWater 2017, 9, 359


  • Dietrich, Jörg (2019): Wasserwirtschaft unter globalem Wandel - Herausforderungen und Lösungswege für die Simulation von FlussgebietenMitteilungen des Institutes für Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Heft 108 | Datei |
    ISSN: 0343-8090


  • Fallah-Mehdipour, E. and Dietrich, J. (2024): Evaluating irrigation demand forecasts from S2S/agro-hydrological modelling with field experiments in Northern Germany in the context of farmer decision supportEGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12705
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12705
  • Dietrich, J., Taha, R. (2018): Spatial Scaling in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Rank Aggregation in Integrated River Basin ManagementAnnual meeting of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, German section, Hannover, 5.-7.9.2018 (poster presentation)
  • Dietrich, J., Uniyal, B., Themer, C. (2018): Evaluating expert based irrigation recommendations by the simulation of irrigation water demand in a humid investigation area in Northern Germany with SWAPGeophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-16196-1, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (poster presentation) Weitere Informationen